
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Be a SCAREDY CAT ~ You'll love it.

Welcome back!
Owl introduce you to the latest bloghop featuring
artwork by Close to My Heart consultants.
September focuses on our Scaredy Cat line.
Click here if you'd like to go directly to that page 
and go shopping.

If you've arrived here from Melissa Robinson's blog, you've hopped to the right spot.  

My group of scrappers like it pretty simple. We use a paper pack and some embellishments and we try to get some spots on the page ready for some simple cuts without a lot of cropping.  So when we've printed out pics of the event, we just glue them in place, do some journaling and - ta daah! - we're caught up.

Now, hoppers, it's onto the Denise Elliott's blog next.  

I hope owl be seeing you later...